An educated public is an essential ingredient of a free society. Ambitious governments would have far greater difficulty implementing schemes that undermine liberty and prosperity were they faced with an informed and vigilant population.
In that spirit, we have assembled these resources to help you learn more about some of the pressing issues of our time. The resources you'll find here include books (many of which we link to in free online versions) and articles, as well as audio and video available online and for free download.
Learn about Sound Money
For resources specifically addressing the current economic crisis, we recommend The Bailout Reader, an excellent and informative collection.
Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve
Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson understood "The Monster". But to most Americans today, Federal Reserve is just a name on the dollar bill. They have no idea of what the central bank does to the economy, or to their own economic lives; of how and why it was founded and operates; or of the sound money and banking that could end the statism, inflation, and business cycles that the Fed generates. Dedicated to Murray N. Rothbard, steeped in American history and Austrian economics, and featuring Ron Paul, Joseph Salerno, Hans Hoppe, and Lew Rockwell, this extraordinary new film is the clearest, most compelling explanation ever offered of the Fed, and why curbing it must be our first priority. Alan Greenspan is not, we're told, happy about this 42-minute blockbuster. Watch it, and you'll understand why. This is economics and history as they are meant to be: fascinating, informative, and motivating. This movie could change America.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve
Saturday, November 21, 2009
History of Nullification
While the media generally portrays nullification as being solely aligned with the efforts of the nullifiers of the South and the Civil War, this is certainly false, and reeks of misinformation. Nullification has a long history in the American tradition and has been invoked in support of free speech, in opposition to war and fugitive slave laws, and more. Read more on this history here.
Monday, November 16, 2009
All Flu's are not created equal
In the news this week, over four thousand Americans had died of the H1N1 flu virus. Over twenty two million have been infected, there is a problem with that number but we will get to that later. The government still does not know when enough vaccine will be available, at this rate you will be vaccinated by default before you can actually get the vaccine.
Recently at Tendoy Elementary we have seen an indication of the epidemic mismanagement that infects the H1N1 panic. People stood in line for hours for the chance of getting a shot. In other places in the screening criteria changed during the day as it became apparent to health care officials, not professionals, officials, that they simply did not have enough vaccine.
Everyone needs to get vaccinated, isn’t that what we were told earlier this year? Now there are guidelines on which people are a higher priority to receive the vaccine. Everyone needs the vaccine, and you will get it when and if there is enough. You may not get the vaccine your doctor recommends either; a health care official may decide that for you.
These decisions are made again by health care officials, government bureaucrats, not your doctor. For those of you who do not recognize this for what it is, this is health care rationing. Remember we were told there would be no rationing under a government run health care system.
Guess who is running the H1N1 flu vaccination program.
You cannot get the vaccine but the terrorist at Guantanamo can, well they would have received the vaccine until the public found out and threw a fit.
Why are there so many cases of H1N1? Well health care professionals (doctors) have been instructed by health care officials (bureaucrats) to report all cases of the flu as H1N1 and not to run any tests to see which type of flu they are really dealing with. To paraphrase Napoleon “All flu’s are equal, but some flu’s are more equal than others”.
So reality has nothing to do with this, why waste a good crisis right?
Do you still think the government can run a health care system? They cannot even manage something as simple as distribution of a single vaccine.
Fancy Nancy and her compatriots have thrust a two thousand plus page health care bill down the throats of the American public. I guess she thought if 1000 pages upset us we would be ecstatic about a bill twice as big and incomprehensible.
I get my health insurance through the university, for my family the total cost for health care is $5364.36 a year, I already pay $779.76 a year for other peoples medical insurance (Medicare).
The monstrosity of a law passed last week is estimated to cost as much as 1.2 trillion dollars to cover 36 million people. That is $277.78 per month per individual. For a family of four that cost comes to $13333.30 a year, but the government can run health care cheaper than the private sector.
When asked what part of the constitution supported a National health care system, Senator Ben Nelson (D,NE) and Senator Jack Reed (D,RI) and the White house press secretary all claimed that they were “not constitutional scholars” and “did not know the case law”. I guess they also failed high school civics.
If you decide to pay cash for your health care, in other words be responsible, you are a felon and subject to 5 years in prison and up to $250,000.00 in fines (section 7201). When questioned (3 times) about this Fancy Nancy could not give the reporter an answer that had anything to do with incarceration of American citizens.
For the first time in the history of our country, as a condition of freedom, you will be forced to purchase something from the government. I have news for all of the above individuals, THIS IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
Senators are insisting that any health care bill pay for abortion. Forcing taxpayers to contribute to a system which pays for procedures they object to on religious grounds is a violation of the First Amendment. Which side will the courts come down on? Will it be the fundamental right? Or the legislated right?
Our government which cannot handle something as simple as distribution of a vaccine is taking over health care. November 11 was Veterans Day, if you want to honor the Veterans who served to guarantee your freedom get involved in the process and put a stop to this insanity.
Recently at Tendoy Elementary we have seen an indication of the epidemic mismanagement that infects the H1N1 panic. People stood in line for hours for the chance of getting a shot. In other places in the screening criteria changed during the day as it became apparent to health care officials, not professionals, officials, that they simply did not have enough vaccine.
Everyone needs to get vaccinated, isn’t that what we were told earlier this year? Now there are guidelines on which people are a higher priority to receive the vaccine. Everyone needs the vaccine, and you will get it when and if there is enough. You may not get the vaccine your doctor recommends either; a health care official may decide that for you.
These decisions are made again by health care officials, government bureaucrats, not your doctor. For those of you who do not recognize this for what it is, this is health care rationing. Remember we were told there would be no rationing under a government run health care system.
Guess who is running the H1N1 flu vaccination program.
You cannot get the vaccine but the terrorist at Guantanamo can, well they would have received the vaccine until the public found out and threw a fit.
Why are there so many cases of H1N1? Well health care professionals (doctors) have been instructed by health care officials (bureaucrats) to report all cases of the flu as H1N1 and not to run any tests to see which type of flu they are really dealing with. To paraphrase Napoleon “All flu’s are equal, but some flu’s are more equal than others”.
So reality has nothing to do with this, why waste a good crisis right?
Do you still think the government can run a health care system? They cannot even manage something as simple as distribution of a single vaccine.
Fancy Nancy and her compatriots have thrust a two thousand plus page health care bill down the throats of the American public. I guess she thought if 1000 pages upset us we would be ecstatic about a bill twice as big and incomprehensible.
I get my health insurance through the university, for my family the total cost for health care is $5364.36 a year, I already pay $779.76 a year for other peoples medical insurance (Medicare).
The monstrosity of a law passed last week is estimated to cost as much as 1.2 trillion dollars to cover 36 million people. That is $277.78 per month per individual. For a family of four that cost comes to $13333.30 a year, but the government can run health care cheaper than the private sector.
When asked what part of the constitution supported a National health care system, Senator Ben Nelson (D,NE) and Senator Jack Reed (D,RI) and the White house press secretary all claimed that they were “not constitutional scholars” and “did not know the case law”. I guess they also failed high school civics.
If you decide to pay cash for your health care, in other words be responsible, you are a felon and subject to 5 years in prison and up to $250,000.00 in fines (section 7201). When questioned (3 times) about this Fancy Nancy could not give the reporter an answer that had anything to do with incarceration of American citizens.
For the first time in the history of our country, as a condition of freedom, you will be forced to purchase something from the government. I have news for all of the above individuals, THIS IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
Senators are insisting that any health care bill pay for abortion. Forcing taxpayers to contribute to a system which pays for procedures they object to on religious grounds is a violation of the First Amendment. Which side will the courts come down on? Will it be the fundamental right? Or the legislated right?
Our government which cannot handle something as simple as distribution of a vaccine is taking over health care. November 11 was Veterans Day, if you want to honor the Veterans who served to guarantee your freedom get involved in the process and put a stop to this insanity.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
January 11 or 18?
The opening day of the legislature, January 11th, was the original day we planned to Converge on the Capital. A potential change of dates was briefly discussed on our last call. One of our participants had sent this:
A number of county Republican Parties around the state are passing Obamacare nullification resolutions and one may be passed at the state Republican Central Committee meeting on Saturday, January 9. This will bring some people to Boise from far flung corners of the state that would be able to Converge on the Capital on Monday, January 11. They may not be able to make it right back a few days or a week later.
What are some other reasons for choosing one day over another? Be sure to vote in the poll in the left navigation bar.
In speaking with several legislators.. they are suggesting that having a Tea Party on day 1 will be less effective than holding off a few days or a week after they open. I had lunch today with Rep ------ and he loves the idea. But Jan 11 is such a full and hectic day that we might just be ignored. The Governor is giving a speech and there is lots of opening pomp and circumstance that first day.On the other hand, mingling in the opening day events could help us set the right tone for the entire session. This is the beginning of our involvement, not the end. This is our citizen legislature. They work for us. We are not intimidated by their pomp. We will be represented from day 1. Our presence would show that we are serious and it would demonstrate the urgency of our cause.
------ is my rep so I trust his opinion. He is very conservative and supports the Tea Party. He is suggesting we wait until the next Monday, January 18, to have a bigger impact. And that we set up pre-arranged meetings by either counties or legislative districts for people to meet with their House Reps and Senators after our outside rally.
A number of county Republican Parties around the state are passing Obamacare nullification resolutions and one may be passed at the state Republican Central Committee meeting on Saturday, January 9. This will bring some people to Boise from far flung corners of the state that would be able to Converge on the Capital on Monday, January 11. They may not be able to make it right back a few days or a week later.
What are some other reasons for choosing one day over another? Be sure to vote in the poll in the left navigation bar.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Choosing Federalism, Choosing Freedom
By Timothy Baldwin [Printer-friendly version]
After the release of my last column "Freedom's Destruction by Constitutional De-Construction," I received so many responses to my statement, "The people of the states [must] once again reject this national form of government and assert and defend the principles of federalism," that I felt the need to develop this subject more thoroughly. The question I received was: "How can I choose federalism once again?" Indeed, answering this question is crucial to injecting a cure for the sickness and illness of tyrannical, national control over the people of the states. Undoubtedly, we are going to need an acute dosage to even begin ridding ourselves of the disease destroying the body of our once-great federation.
The reality is, the answer is not complicated. [Read More]
How can we restore the proper constitutional balance between state and federal power?
After the release of my last column "Freedom's Destruction by Constitutional De-Construction," I received so many responses to my statement, "The people of the states [must] once again reject this national form of government and assert and defend the principles of federalism," that I felt the need to develop this subject more thoroughly. The question I received was: "How can I choose federalism once again?" Indeed, answering this question is crucial to injecting a cure for the sickness and illness of tyrannical, national control over the people of the states. Undoubtedly, we are going to need an acute dosage to even begin ridding ourselves of the disease destroying the body of our once-great federation.
The reality is, the answer is not complicated. [Read More]
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