Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Vasquez Withdraws, Endorses Greg Collett for Idaho State Senate

Vasquez Withdraws from District 10 State Senate Race

"On Monday, March 29, 2010, I contacted the Canyon County Clerk, Bill Hurst, to inform him that I was withdrawing from the Idaho District 10 State Senate race" Vasquez announced.

"While I am firmly convinced that the incumbent has certainly not represented my best interests in his tenure as the State Senator from District 10, I am personally acutely aware of the political advantage gained by an incumbent in a multiple candidate campaign. Therefore, as Mr. Greg Collett has steadfastly maintained his intent to stay in the race, and as I believe he has the strong backing of my fellow American citizens who are prepared to support his candidacy, I have decided that it would best serve District 10, the State of Idaho, and my fellow Idahoans for me to withdraw and level the political arena" Vasquez said.

"I wish to thank all of you who encouraged me to run and to stay in the race. Let me say to you that sometimes it is better to withdraw from the field, rather than to stubbornly remain and give an unwarranted advantage to an undeserving incumbent" Vasquez stated.

"I will be voting for Greg Collett, and fully support his campaign to remove the incumbent whose actions have repeatedly demonstrated his subservience to special interest, big money corporations, and a callous personal political agenda. I encourage every citizen in District 10 to vote for Greg Collett on May 25, 2010, for the Idaho State Senate" Vasquez concluded.

Public Announcement for Greg Collett:

I am sending out this announcement to let everyone know that I am a candidate for the Idaho State Senate in District 10. Learn more about my views and find out how you can help me get elected at Even if you do not live in District 10, you can still take part.

Together, we can:
  • Restore our God given constitutional rights
  • Return government to its proper role
  • Realize fiscal responsibility
  • Require honesty in government
How can you help?
  • Schedule an open house or town hall meeting and invite everyone you know. My priority is to meet with as many people as possible.
  • Call for a forum or debate between John McGee and myself.
  • Write letters to the editor.
  • Put up yard signs and put bumper stickers on your vehicles.
  • Distribute fliers door-to-door, keep a stack at your place of business, or mail them to voters.
  • Donate to the campaign to help cover the cost of advertising materials.
  • Link to my website from your own websites and blogs.
  • Forward this announcement to everyone you know. It may eventually end up in the mailbox of a voter in District 10.
If you would like to help, please go to my website and create an account. You will be able to indicate how you are willing to help, and I will get in touch with you.

Greg Collett
Candidate for Idaho State Senate, District 10

Monday, March 29, 2010

Listen to Idaho
By Alan Der Ohannessian

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the government is finally doing something right. Recently, it’s reported that the state of Idaho would support a bill so its citizens pay their state tax in silver medallions.

I believe that other states should pass similar legislation until the US Dollar becomes backed by gold or silver.

For 138 years the US dollar was backed by gold and silver from 1833-1971.

It was taken off the Gold Standard by former US president Richard Nixon on August 15, 1971.

That marked the end of the Bretton Wood agreement of 1945 which stated the gold-backed US dollar would have fixed exchange rates with other currencies.

It’s like having a stable relationship with someone, no fooling around.

But the US fell into such a deep debt that their gold reserves were less than paper money.

When it was on the Gold Standard, the dollar was as good as gold. A person could redeem their dollar for one ounce of gold and or silver as it stated “Redeemable in Gold” at the bottom.

When Nixon took the dollar off the Gold standard, the dollar became a currency instead of money.

That’s a big difference.

Silver and gold have intrinsic value: they are accepted everywhere around the world as a safe store of wealth, it’s metal used in manufacturing especially silver in cell phones as well as other electronic supplies.

Silver and gold will always maintain desired value.

The U.S. dollar right now is a currency backed up by the faith and credit of the US government.

That means the government should print money in moderation so the value of the currency doesn’t go down.

You might as well say that pigs sprout wings and fly.

Holding a currency is like a ticking time bomb, the value will eventually blow up in your face.

The constitution states that only gold and silver should be used for business transactions as demanded by the founding fathers.

Gold puts discipline on government spending. It’s like having your mom telling you not stay up late at night.

They are talking from personal experience as the US went through hyperinflation (1775–1783): money became worthless.

So people who had their savings in the Continental got wiped out.

All of you who have savings in paper currency, watch out.

Right now the government prints money at will. It’s like keeping the lid of a candy jar open in front of a kid.

America wouldn’t have the trade deficit with China because when countries import stuff, they have to pay with gold. That signals that the country has to balance its trade.

It’s like having something taken away from you that’s precious, you would do anything to get it back.

So the other states better be wise and adopt similar legislation like Idaho proposed.

America, get ready for a new gold and silver standard.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

4 Events - 1 Day - Ron Paul r3VOLution

Saturday, March 27 - Boise State University - Map

#1: 12:30 - 4:30 pm Campaign for Liberty Training/Forum
Student Union Building - Special Events Center - C4L is covering the costs for this event so there is NO COST for participants. This includes all day parking in the centrally located Administration Lot. Contribute
"All politics is local." - Tip O'Neill, longtime Speaker of the House in the U.S. Congress
12:30 - 2:30 Political Training - liberty lovers and freedom activists.

State Sovereignty & Sound Money
2:30 - 4:30 Panel Discussion - legislators and the general public.
Confirmed speakers/panelists include:
  • Alan Hodge (Principles of '98)
  • Todd Hatfield (State Controller Candidate)
  • Chick Heileson (Congress Dist. 2 Candidate)
  • Rep. Raúl Labrador (Congress Dist. 1 Candidate)
  • Rep. Pete Nielsen
  • Rep. Phil Hart
  • Rep. Lenore Hardy Barrett
  • Rep. Dick Harwood
  • Rep. Judy Boyle
  • Rep. Robert Schaefer
#2: 5:00 - 6:30 pm Private Reception with Ron Paul honoring Ralph Smeed
Student Union Building - Buy Tickets - Includes Tickets to The Morrison Center
#3: 7:00 pm An Evening with Ron Paul at The Morrison Center
Go to to get yours!
#4: After Party "Rally for the Republic Revisited"
Main Street Bistro, 609 West Main Street in Boise. Anyone and everyone who would like to mingle, meet and re-connect with fellow Patriots is encouraged to meet at Main Street Bistro after Dr. Paul's presentation until ???

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Call Your State Senator Now!

We have made incredible progress this legislative session, but we're not done yet! Idaho was the first to sign the Health Freedom Act into law. The Idaho Constitutional Tender Act was introduced by the House Ways and Means Committee.
  • The Idaho Firearms Freedom Act passed the House and will be heard by the Senate State Affairs Committee on Wednesday at 8 AM.
  • The Idaho Silver Gem Act passed the House and will be heard by the Senate Local Government & Taxation Committee on Wednesday at 2 PM. 
Call and ask your Senator to stand up for Idaho Sovereignty by passing these important bills! Time is short; the 2010 Legislature will soon adjourn.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Clear Your Schedule - Meet Ron Paul in Boise

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Congressman Ron Paul of Texas enjoys a national reputation as the premier advocate for liberty in politics today. Dr. Paul is the leading spokesman in Washington for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets and a return to sound monetary policies based on commodity-backed currency. He is known among both his colleagues in Congress and his constituents for never voting for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution.

Congressman Ron Paul is not only the Honorary Chairman of Campaign for Liberty, he is also the recent presidential straw poll winner at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C. Cancel your bingo game with Martha! Meet Dr. Paul in Boise on Saturday, March 27th. It will be a great time and a great proclamation of liberty. It will also provide training for champions of liberty and highlight our mission:
"To promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a noninterventionist foreign policy, by means of educational and political activity."
Idaho's Campaign for Liberty is planning a warm reception for Ron Paul with events throughout the day, including our first state conference from 12:30 - 4:30 at BSU's SUB in the Special Events Center. Boise should be filled with liberty-lovers from all over the state. Everyone will know that freedom is alive in Idaho. The message is spreading, the movement is growing and we will not rest until our liberties are restored!

12:30 - 2:30 PM - Campaign for Liberty Training
"All politics is local." - Tip O'Neill, longtime Speaker of the House in the U.S. Congress
  • How to win local elections
  • How to build your local organization
  • Breakout session with your local members

2:30 - 4:30 PM - Campaign for Liberty Forum

We will continue our momentum and increase our impact on Idaho politics.
  • The public and the legislature will be invited
  • Statewide and congressional candidate speakers
  • Panel discussion on state sovereignty and sound money featuring 8-10 legislators

5:00 - 6:30 PM - Private Reception with Ron Paul honoring Ralph Smeed

The Campaign for Liberty, Idaho Freedom Foundation and Idaho Rights
Foundation invite you to a private reception that will provide the opportunity
for personal question and answer time with Representative Ron Paul. Buy tickets.

During dinner Ron Paul will present the Idaho Freedom Foundation's
Friend of Freedom Lifetime Achievement Award to a great defender of liberty and
Idaho's favorite curmudgeon, Ralph Smeed, for his relentless fight against
statism and his tireless quest for market solutions.

Tickets for this special event are only $100. The first 60 also get a VIP Ticket to attend An Evening With Ron Paul at the Morrison Center at 7:00 PM! Buy tickets.

7:00 PM - An Evening with Ron Paul at The Morrison Center

Go to to get yours!

After Party - "Rally for the Republic Revisited"

Main Street Bistro, 609 West Main Street in Boise. Anyone and everyone who would like to mingle, meet and re-connect with fellow Patriots is encouraged to meet at Main Street Bistro after Dr. Paul's presentation until ???

I am looking forward to seeing you in Boise with congressman and former presidential candidate Ron Paul!

For Freedom,

Chris Stevens
Interim Idaho State Coordinator

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Idaho first to sign law aimed at health care plan

Idaho first to sign law aimed at health care plan

Idaho: Governor Signs Bill to Prevent Insurance Mandate

Idaho challenges national health care proposal; more states may follow

Idaho is first to challenge federal health care mandate

Idaho law breaks ground in states-right push

Otter Signs Historic Bill

Idaho Passes Health Freedom Act Protecting Against Govt Health Care

Idaho first to sign law that would sue federal government over health care reform

Governor signs Idaho Health Freedom Act

Otter: ‘A high priority on sovereignty’

Idaho Gov. Butch Otter signs Idaho Health Freedom Act

Otter signs Idaho Health Freedom Act (Part II)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"I Can’t Afford Gold"

There’s no question that owning gold may presently be a luxury that many can not afford. But silver is certainly within the reach of the vast majority. However, a carefully orchestrated aversion to honest money has been inculcated in our minds and this has made fraudulent money acceptable. Tyrants can not control gold and silver in the hands of the people but they can, and do, manipulate paper money to their own advantage.

The anti-gold attitude is resulting in wrong assumptions about the problems it allegedly causes. Even though the “I can’t afford gold” comment may be true for many people, the underlying attitude that gold is not beneficial to society is utterly false. Let’s listen in on a conversation between a financial Paper Corps (PC) and a Gold Nugget (GN).

PC We poor slaves simply can’t afford to buy gold – it’s way too expensive.

GN Do you have enough money to buy bread?

PC Of course! We aren’t starving to death – yet.

GN What do you use to buy the bread?

PC The FRNs that we receive for the work we do.

GN Why do you accept these fraudulent pieces of paper that lose their purchasing power?

PC Because the government forces us to.

GN FORCES YOU TO! Do you mean there’s no choice?

PC Good heavens! What rock did you crawl out from under? Are you so far out of it that you don’t know that FRNs have a note on them that says they are LEGAL TENDER?

GN Yeah, I know that, but what does it mean?

PC If our employer offers us these FRNs for our work, we have to accept them.

GN What if you refuse?

PC Then the employer wouldn’t have to give us anything – that’s what “Legal Tender” means. What did you think it meant – voluntary?

GN I admit that my experience with fraudulent paper money is somewhat limited because I try to stay away from it as much as possible.

PC I still don’t see what all this has to do with gold being too expensive.

GN We’ll come back to that subject in just a minute. Does it take most of the FRNs you earn to pay the bills?

PC You sure got that right. As a matter of fact, sometimes it takes more than I earn and I have to go in debt.

GN Is your income keeping up with the rising cost of living?

PC It never has – it just keeps getting worse.

GN I wonder why it happens that way?

PC I thought you knew that the Federal Reserve Banks just create new money by book-keeping entries. When it is spent into circulation it competes with the already existing money supply but no new commodities are created to back up the new money at the time of creation. In other words, demand has increased but supply hasn’t and this drives prices up. Of course prices must rise before my employer has the additional money to raise my wages. Thus wages must always lag behind prices, in general. Of course there are a few exceptions where salaries rise faster than prices – government employees for example. They are not dependent on competitive market operations, they only depend on organized force and if you check their salary schedules you will find that they are higher than those in private enterprise. Here’s some statistics from “The Washington Times” that might interest you:

“Private-industry employers spent an average of $27.42 per hour worked for total employee compensation in December, while total compensation costs for state and local government workers averaged $39.60 per hour.

“The average government wage and salary per hour of $26.11 was 35 percent higher than the average wage and salary of $19.41 per hour in the private sector. But the percentage difference in benefits was much higher. Benefits for state and local workers averaged $13.49 per hour, nearly 70 percent higher than the $8 per hour in benefits paid by private businesses.”

GN Ok, Ok, Let’s summarize the situation to this point and then see if we can find the real reason you can’t afford gold :

First, you have to accept FRNs in payment for your work; you have no choice.

Second, since these FRNs represent the fruits of your labor you naturally want to get something, bread, in return.

Third, the government keeps driving prices up by printing more of these FRNs. But your salary lags behind the rising prices so you have the choice of a declining standard of living or going into debt, which is a lien against future production and aggravates your predicament.

Fourth, after spending all your money on the cost of living you can’t afford to buy gold.

PC That’s true but what does that have to do with gold being too expensive?

GN Gold is not too expensive but you are discouraged from buying it because you can’t do anything with it after your purchase. You can not use it to buy bread, clothing, or provide for any of your other needs BECAUSE SUCH TRANSACTIONS HAVE BEEN PRE-EMPTED BY LEGAL TENDER LAWS WHICH MANDATE THAT FRAUDULENT MONEY SHALL CIRCULATE AS PURCHASING MEDIA (notice that I did not say “medium of exchange” – because it isn’t, but that’s another issue which we can discuss at some future time). Since gold can not be used as purchasing media and you can not afford to leave the fruits of your labor sitting idle, it becomes a luxury you can not afford. But that’s not the fault of gold. It’s the result of allowing government to use paper, which they can create, instead of gold, which they can not create.

PC Alright! Alright! I understand the cause of my plight but it seems to me that the price of gold is still too high.

GN That’s because your eyes are full of dollar signs instead of commodity ratios that provide a true picture of an honest medium of exchange – gold.

PC COMMODITY RATIO’S! What on earth are you talking about?

GN Gold is a commodity and so is a car so let’s examine the change in the gold-to-car ratio between these two commodities for the period of 1937 to 2010.

In 1937, a Ford middle class four door sedan car cost $900. I remember when a neighbor bought one and we boys gathered around to ogle the shiny new palace on wheels. At that time the price of gold was $35 per ounce – unfortunately it was illegal for U.S. citizens (but not foreigners) to own. In other words, the car cost the equivalent of 25.7 ounces of gold. Today the same class of Ford four door sedan cost $23,000. At today’s gold prices it would take 20.91 ounces of gold to buy the same class car. In other words, the purchasing power of gold has gained 23% while the purchasing power of FRNs has lost 96%. It’s true that part of that 23% gain in purchasing power is due to speculation, but then we have to ask ourselves why this speculation is taking place. The reason is that people who understand money also understand that the value of the dollar is headed for the dustbin of history and they are simply trying to protect themselves. Unfortunately there is also a lot of manipulation by central banks – the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recently been dumping their hoard to suppress prices.

It will undoubtedly be objected that today’s car has many improvements over the 1937 model.

That’s true but it’s also true that there has been tremendous improvements in production efficiency. The amount of human labor required to produce today’s cars is considerably less than it was in 1937 due to automation of the production process. This increase in efficiency is the result of competition and invention which result from a private property system of production – which is in the process of being destroyed. If the money supply had not been dramatically increased, we would still be paying $900 for today’s more sophisticated cars. Essentially, that is what has happened anyway if you look at the ratio of gold to car – in other words 20.91 ounces of gold per car.

Thus we see that gold has simply retained its purchasing power while the FRNs have lost 96%. This loss in paper purchasing power is NOT THE FAULT OF GOLD – it’s the fault of government intervention in an area where government has no right to intervene.

PC But that still doesn’t change the fact that I can’t afford to buy gold.

GN Perhaps you should consider silver instead. Silver is the poor man’s gold and percentage-wise it will outperform gold in the near term. I’m sure you could cut back a little on some of your “mad-money” spending and afford a little silver. But that’s a decision that only you can make.

If you want to go down the tubes with paper money that’s your prerogative, but don’t go down blaming gold for your demise. It isn’t that gold is too expensive, it’s that FRNs are too worthless.

Incidently I thought you might like to know that the average ratio of silver to gold has been 16 ounces of silver per ounce of gold for hundreds of years. At today’s prices, the ratio is 64.71 ounces of silver per ounce of gold. In other words the manipulators have things way out of kilter and silver is a bargain basement buy compared to gold. In other words, silver will have to go from the present $17 to $64.71 to get back to the historic sixteen to one ratio. Of course if gold dropped to $272, that would also bring the ratio back to sixteen to one, but that’s very, very, unlikely. A word to the wise.

PC I think I know what you are saying but I’m still not sure I can afford to have the fruits of my labor sitting around idle.

GN That could change if people understood the fundamental principles well enough to pressure their legislators to pass H0622 which would make it legal for willing buyers and sellers to exchange gold and silver.

When hyperinflation really gets moving, a lot of people are going to be looking for a way to save their economic hides. Then gold and silver will look very attractive. If we make it legal now, honest money will be available when people need it most. As a matter of fact, it might bring your economic corpse back to life. Don’t get me wrong, we are not trying to play God, we are simply trying to resuscitate those who are buried under a mountain of paper money and are gasping for the fresh air of freedom.

PC Some people claim that the rich have all the gold, where would I get some.

GN Gold and silver are available from most local coin shops and the rich do not own all the gold and silver. That’s simply a scare tactic to keep you using paper. Furthermore, if H0622 passes, specie will be available from an exchange.

PC Do you think we could discuss that “medium of exchange” issue sometime in the future?

GN I don’t know. We’ll have to wait and see if we get our heads chopped off when this hits the monitor screens. If we want to survive, we had better shut this down. Bye.

- By Bill Denman, Idaho Sound Money Task Force

Monday, March 15, 2010

CPAC 2010 - Tom Woods on Nullification and State Resistance to Federal Tyranny

On Thursday, February 18, 2010, historian and author Tom Woods spoke on "When All Else Fails: Nullification and State Resistance to Federal Tyranny" as part of Campaign for Liberty's activities at the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Writer and radio host Jack Hunter ("The Southern Avenger") introduced Tom. A brief Q&A session followed the presentation.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Vaugn Ward/Michael Chadwick

I wish to make it clear that the all of the information linked to in the previous post from the Michael L. Chadwick Campaign is the opinion of Michael L. Chadwick and not necessarily that of the individuals administering the Sovereign Idaho PAC. We are providing a forum for all candidates that will allow any citizen seeking information on candidates access to that information so that they may become informed voters on the issues and candidates.

It is the responsibility of the candidates and their campaigns to verify all the information they, or any one associated with them posts on this web page.

Thank you
Mark Balzer Co-Director Sovereign Idaho

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Who's Vaughn Ward?

There is a lot of info here so take one bite at at time.

If you questioned at all, this supposed farm boy from Idaho, and who he is, what he is, and who he intends to represent as a U.S. Congressman from Idaho District 1, here is the skinny on this guy, his confirmed connections, and their intentions for him, and quite possibly Idaho.

It starts off with some letters from a concerned citizen here in Idaho, followed by 21 "clues" indicating who this guy is, followed by campaign contributions, followed by individual contributors, followed by background info on the individual contributors, followed by articles and letters by Vaughn Ward supporters.

PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW IN IDAHO DISTRICT 1 ( all N. Idaho, Lewiston area, and Boise area). Let's expose this spook as well as his backers.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Public School Financial Transparency Act

The purpose of this legislation is to provide public transparency for the spending of Idaho’s public school districts. By the end of 2010, the legislation requires that each school district with over 300 students post on the internet all of their expenditures in a pdf format. The legislation also requires by the end 2011, these expenditures must be posted in an internet searchable format.

This legislation does not make any exception for information that is already prohibited from public disclosure by other sections of Idaho Code.

Currently across the country there are at least 500 school district nationwide who have already posted their checkbooks online in a pdf format.

There is no impact to the state General Fund. Posting expenditures online in a pdf format can be done with no additional expense and with little personal time. Establishing a searchable expenditure website can also be created without any additional expense as there are several open source programs available, and other school districts have already created such databases.

Monday, March 8, 2010

New Attorney General for Idaho?

The Idaho Firearms Freedom Act (H0589) failed its first public hearing after, "Rep. Phylis King, D-Boise, provided committee members with an opinion for the attorney general’s office which said that the power to nullify federal laws is not within the scope of the Idaho legislature. The opinion also said that Harwood’s bill may actually be unconstitutional." H0589 has since passed out of committee and will soon be voted on by the entire House.

Notice below the opinion from the Attorney General of Utah. Sounds like Idaho needs a new Attorney General, one that will stand up for the Constitution and state sovereignty. Spread this all over Idaho!

Utah Governor Signs Nullification Legislation

SALT LAKE CITY - After careful deliberation and thorough legal review, Governor Gary R. Herbert has signed SB11, "Utah State-Made Firearms Protection Act." In making his decision, the Governor weighed the constitutional aspects of the bill with its fiscal impact on Utah taxpayers.

"There are times when the state needs to push back against continued encroachment from the federal government. Sending the message that we will stand up for a proper balance between the state and federal government is a good thing," Governor Herbert said. "But in these challenging economic times, when Utah families continue to struggle and our Legislature must account for every dollar it spends, we must also be thoughtful about the cost of that message."

The Governor has expressed his support for the intent of SB11, sponsored by Sen. Margaret Dayton, which is to challenge the U.S. Supreme Court's expansive interpretation of the federal Interstate Commerce Clause and assert Utah's authority under the U.S. Constitution to regulate wholly intrastate commerce.

"As Governor, I took an oath to uphold the constitutions of the United States and the State of Utah. I take that responsibility seriously, as well as my obligation to act in a fiscally prudent manner," the Governor said. "In order to feel comfortable attaching my name to this legislation, I felt it necessary to reconcile the laudable intent of this bill with my responsibilities as Governor."

As part of a thoughtful review process, the Governor sought opinions and analysis from many legal experts, including, but not limited to, Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff.

"I am satisfied that Utah can stand confidently with other states that are taking a stand against the federal government's overreach in this area," he said. "The Attorney General has assured me that, should a legal challenge be filed against the state, his office can take a variety of actions to ensure the defense of this legislation will have a minimal cost to the people of Utah," Governor Herbert said.

"With the confidence that SB11 will further the dialogue on this important issue without unduly burdening Utah taxpayers, I chose to sign the legislation."

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Shut up!

Hey Tea Party! The establishment wants you to shut up and return to being the silent majority.

An anonymous editorial by the Idaho State Journal was published on Thursday that tried to Tar & Feather the Tea Party. It wasn't the first and certainly won't be the last. So what's new?

I'll tell you what's new. The silent majority refuses to shut up. The media, the politicians and their defenders recognize that the Tea Party represents a threat to their control. We the People have united and given a voice to the oppressed, and the oppressors want to divide and conquer us.

The masses yearn for the freedom that America once promised. If they can divide us, the establishment continues to win. We all know that America is on the brink of completely abandoning our founding principles. Public Tea Party events and actions have gone a long way towards waking up the electorate and the politicians.

The establishment hates our Tar & Feathers feature and wants to silence us. Earlier this week Tea Party members shared their thoughts on it. The response was about 50/50 for keeping it because it works / dropping it because literal Tar & Feathers would be an act of violence. Everyone knows we're not calling for literal Tar & Feathers, but an easy way to resolve this is to give it a more accurate name: Public Shaming, another old tradition.

Public shaming was often used against criminals, but most criminals don't care what the public thinks. Politicians do. In fact, there's not much they care more about than what the public thinks. That's why this is so effective. Sorry, there will be no more Tar & Feathers, but look at this:

Remember how many calls, emails, faxes, and letters were sent to our Congressman urging, pleading, demanding, and simply asking that he vote against the nearly trillion dollar bankster bailout? Our Congressman voted for it on Monday when it failed in the House of Representatives. They bribed and arm-twisted all week and passed it on Friday. Our Congressman didn't need any arm-twisting - he voted for it both times!

Here is a response from one patriot who is excited that we finally have a voice:
“I believe that the Tar & Feathers is an effective way of calling attention to our elected officials who are not honoring the oath they took to serve the people while abiding by our Constitution. The strong response from them when they have been reprimanded in the Tar & Feathers section on the Pocatello Tea Party web site says that it is working. I too would like a nicer way to get our elected officials attention. My polite but firm letters and phone calls when I voice my concern and discontent are responded to with a pat on the head and an explanation of why they know what is best. One posting in Tar and Feathers seems to create an accountability that can not be done by an individual and is not being done by the news media.

“I find it interesting that the written act of Tar & Feathering is cause for concern while the action that caused it is not. In Andrus's letter that he sent to the local Republican meeting he voiced how offended/threatened he was and then went on to explain why he voted the way he did (another pat on the head). His answer to voting no on the Immigration Bill was that it would be a better idea to assess the employer with a fine (another way to get money out of the small businessman) which the Federal Government has already said could not be done.

“I would also like to add that after considerable reflecting on Thursday's Republican meeting that there was an intentional effort to get the Conservative Republican's to shut up and get in line. Not only did the meeting start with the letter reprimanding the Tea Partiers the rudeness that was present during the meeting was enough to make some not want to come back again. I would guess that those tactics have been successful in the past. I encourage each of you not to give up on the Republican Party, our Country is worth the effort to bring the party back to its conservative roots!”

Friday, March 5, 2010

Idaho Silver Gem Act

This legislation provides for the State Treasurer to accept an Idaho manufactured silver medallion and bar for the payment of fees and taxes. First the State Treasurer will sell these silver medallions and bars to the public at their market value tied to the daily market price of the U.S. Mint’s one troy, bullion style, silver American Eagle. This silver American Eagle will also be accepted by the Treasurer for the payment of fees and taxes. The medallion and bars will be designed by the medallion committee of legislators already referenced in Idaho Code at 671223(3). The initial funds to begin this program may come from presales of medallions and bars, from grants or from the General Fund.

The Silver Valley, located in the Kellogg and Wallace area of Shoshone County, is known as the "Silver Capitol of the World." Since 1885, one billion ounces of silver have been removed from mines in the valley.

Currently none of the silver ore produced by Idaho silver mines is processed in Idaho nor in the United States. All of the silver ore produced in Idaho is sent out of the country to Canada, Belgium, Finland, Mexico, China and Korea. The building of a silver production facility in Idaho will allow Idaho silver mines to cut their costs of production and continue to produce should there be a decline in the price of silver. This legislation provides a 10 year real and personal property tax exemption to anyone or any firm who builds a new silver production facility in Idaho. A 10 year exemption from corporate income taxes is also offered by this legislation to any corporation that might build such a new facility. Both tax exemptions apply only to a new silver production facility and sunset after 20 years.

The creation of a new silver production facility can be expected to create 400 to 800 new jobs in Idaho among the mines and at the new silver production facility. According to the Department of Commerce, for every 100 new mining jobs created, Shoshone and Kootenai Counties can expect the creation of additional 132 jobs.

As a result of the Superfund Cleanup activity in the Silver Valley, the state of Idaho now owns approximately 100,000 cubic yards of previously processed ore material and smelter ash. This material is known as the PTM cell (Principal Threat Material) and in 1991 was estimated to have a market value of approximately $100 million. Indium, a soft silvery metal, is the primary ingredient of value in the PTM cell. Using the new hydrometallurgical processing technology currently available, for which this legislation provides a tax incentive for, a new silver processing facility can process this material while meeting all state and federal permitting criteria.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Idaho Constitutional Tender Act

The purpose of this Act is to restore constitutionally valid tender in Idaho by restoring silver and gold as an alternative to Federal Reserve Notes. The intent is to prevent government supply and demand manipulation of the Idaho citizen’s money by providing an alternative tender administered by the citizens of Idaho. The Act preserves the individual’s freedom of choice to continue with Federal Reserve Notes, or adopt Idaho Constitutional Tender.

The current system exposes Idaho and her citizens, inhabitants, and businesses to the chronic depreciation of a media exchange other than gold and silver, which loses purchasing power resulting in the incremental confiscation of their property by way of inflation without just compensation, in violation of Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1 of the Constitution of the United States, and the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment thereto.

This Act will help preserve Idaho’s sovereignty, and the rights, powers, privileges, immunities and prerogatives of the Idaho citizenry that is recognized and guaranteed to them by the Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution.

With silver and gold having an effective role in protecting investments, this Act can potentially attract worldwide business and industry to Idaho in order to participate in a free market approach.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Harwood’s gun fight stalls for now

By Dustin Hurst

Rep. R.J. “Dick” Harwood’s, R-St. Maries, gun fight with the feds has stalled on two concerns raised by lawmakers: one being that it may be unconstitutional, and the other being that the marking to be engraved on guns produced in Idaho might not be specific enough.

According to the text of the legislation, the bill would seek to make Idaho “the freest state in the Union” and would prohibit the federal government from regulating guns in Idaho which meet certain conditions. Under the provisions in the legislation, any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition manufactured in Idaho owned by a citizen living within the borders of the state would be exempt from federal authority. All guns built in Idaho would be required to have a “Made in Idaho” tag engraved on a “central metallic part.”

Rep. Lynn Luker, R-Boise, questioned Harwood on the engraving, asking if the marking goes far enough. Luker said that if the plan is to be enacted correctly the gun would also need to contain the phrase “For use in Idaho.” Harwood said he would need to consult with the bill’s co-sponsors to see if the change would be in order. The legislation has 10 co-sponsors.

The bill also contains a provision that allows the Constitutional Defense Council to use state funds to enter into litigation with the federal government should a challenge to the law arise. According to Rep. Eric Anderson, R-Priest Lake, the state has set aside approximately $240,000 in that account.

Some legislators objected to the possible costs of a lawsuit, including Rep. Elfreda Higgins, D-Garden City. Higgins questioned Harwood on the necessity of potentially costly litigation during a time when the state needs to be funding other programs, like education and social services. Harwood replied, saying that the general fund of the state would not be impacted by a lawsuit and that the state needs to work to protect the right to bear arms.

Rep. Phylis King, D-Boise, provided committee members with an opinion for the attorney general’s office which said that the power to nullify federal laws is not within the scope of the Idaho legislature. The opinion also said that Harwood’s bill may actually be unconstitutional.

To that, Harwood replied that he feels “the supreme law of the land sometimes is maybe not always right.” Harwood said that regardless of the opinion, he would press on with the legislation and challenge the federal government’s role in intra-state commerce.

Luker’s motion to hold the bill to allow the co-sponsors more time to work on the bill and retool language if necessary passed and the issue will be pushed to a later date.