** Many Idaho families will lose access to a low-cost home birth with a traditional midwife.
** Many parts of Idaho, especially rural areas, will be left without any practicing midwives.
Representative Pete Nielsen is introducing legislation (RS165) to amend the new mandatory midwifery licensure law to make it a voluntary licensure, which will allow traditional midwives to practice as they always have - without drugs and without government regulations. RS165 will restore to the families of Idaho the freedom to choose the best maternity care for their unique circumstances.
RS165 will have an initial hearing in the House State Affairs Committee on Monday, February 22nd in room EW40 at 9:00am. The committee will decide if RS165 should become a bill and have a public hearing.
No public testimony is allowed at this initial hearing, but if a lot of people show up, it shows there is interest in this legislation. If you can only make it to Boise once, come to the public hearing when testimony is allowed at a later date.
1. We need to bombard the entire House State Affairs Committee with emails asking them to support voluntary licensure. Be sure to include your name and Idaho address. You can copy and paste all the members' email addresses into one email:
tloertscher@house.idaho.gov, eanderso@house.idaho.gov, jstevens@house.idaho.gov, mblack@house.idaho.gov, kandrus@house.idaho.gov, cbilbao@house.idaho.gov, rlabrador@house.idaho.gov, lluker@house.idaho.gov, bcrane@house.idaho.gov, rmathews@house.idaho.gov, skren@house.idaho.gov, esimpson@house.idaho.gov, jpalmer@house.idaho.gov, mshepher@house.idaho.gov, esmith@house.idaho.gov, aps@house.idaho.gov, pking@house.idaho.gov, ehiggins@house.idaho.gov
2. We also need to email our own legislators again in both the House and Senate, encouraging them to save traditional midwifery. Every email counts! Always include your name and mailing address.
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3. Please forward this action alert out to all your friends, family, and any groups or organizations you are a part of.
A Midwifery Report is available for more talking points; an easier-to-read version opens when you click print.
For freedom,
Mirelle Stevens, consumer of midwifery
(208) 478-8683
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