Sunday, December 6, 2009

Reasserting Idaho Sovereignty

Question. What scares politicians?
Answer. Patriots brave enough to talk to their neighbors.

Dear Defender of Liberty,

I have some important news and exciting developments to share with you about protecting Idaho from the out-of-control federal government.

As you know, there are millions of patriots across the country - thousands here in Idaho - who are organizing and mobilizing against Big Government.

But you and I both know that the forces of "change" are already well organized after years of involvement in the political process, and they are aggressively forcing their agenda upon us.

We the People must stand up and defend liberty with greater intensity than ever before!
"We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate." -Thomas Jefferson
The majority of those who participate want something from government - usually at the expense of everyone else. You and I want something that benefits everyone - freedom. The only way we can get it is by engaging in the political process and fighting smarter than the other side.

We have a simple and powerful way to begin making a huge difference. You will want to share this with your friends, family, and neighbors - everyone you can find who wants to restore liberty to our land. The more people who know about it, the bigger the impact will be.

I have been greatly encouraged over the last couple years as I have personally knocked on the doors of thousands of voters who still believe in the Constitution and are outraged at what's been emanating from Washington. We have an exciting opportunity to engage thousands upon thousands of these liberty-lovers in restoring the correct balance of power between the state and federal governments.

The 2010 Idaho legislative session begins in January and usually ends by April. This is followed by the primary election in May, where representatives are held accountable for their votes.

We will collect thousands of voter signatures on a petition to our legislators asking them to support a slate of legislative priorities to strengthen freedom in Idaho. Idaho's Campaign for Liberty is sponsoring a statewide "Converge on the Capital" Tea Party in January, where we will deliver these petitions to each representative. At the end of the legislative session, we will report the voting record of our representatives back to the voters.

State sovereignty legislation is in the works for each item on our list - not only in Idaho, but in numerous other states as well. Our job is to make sure the legislation becomes law. Here is what each one of us needs to do:

  1. Print petitions and collect signatures from at least 30 voter households in your neighborhood/precinct (an average of 30 two-voter households is what it takes to win each precinct in a primary election).
  2. Make three copies of each page of 10 signatures that you collect (for your two representatives and senator).
  3. Keep your original copies so that you can report your representative's voting records to the signers and make sure they vote in the May primary election.
You are only responsible for your neighborhood. Others are responsible for their neighborhood. To be successful, it will take every single one of us doing our part. Politicians will only find the courage to stand up against the out-of-control federal government if sufficient numbers of their constituents demand it.

We have worked out a comprehensive timeline with a monthly focus and specific action items. Look for additional details when you sign in to your account (sign up for an account here). We are also building a statewide Sovereign Idaho Coalition of groups who will help with our efforts.

Working together, we will take our country back, starting with our own backyard. We can do this! - and build tremendous momentum to accomplish even more!

Let's Campaign for Liberty!

Chris Stevens
Interim Idaho State Coordinator

P.S. It has never been more important for us to reclaim our sovereignty under the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Please enlist your family and neighbors in this fight and start collecting signatures today.

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