Thursday, December 3, 2009

Resist DC: A Step-by-Step Plan for Freedom

by State Rep. Matthew Shea (WA-4th)

This summer, legislators from several states [including Idaho] met to discuss the steps needed to restore our Constitutional Republic. The federal government has ignored the many state sovereignty resolutions from 2009 notifying it to cease and desist its current and continued overreach. The group decided it was time to actively counter the tyranny emanating from Washington D.C.

From those discussions it became clear three things needed to happen.

  1. State Legislatures need to pass 10 key pieces of legislation “with teeth” to put the federal government back in its place.
  2. The people must pass the legislation through the Initiative process if any piece of the legislative agenda fails.
  3. County Sheriffs must reaffirm and uphold their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

With the advent of the Tea Party Movement, many people have been asking how exactly we can make the above reality. What follows is Part I of the outline of that plan regarding state legislation, the action steps any concerned citizen can take to see this legislation to fruition, and the brief history and justifications behind each.

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