Friday, January 29, 2010

Midwifery Update & Action Alert

Consumers and freedom-lovers are outraged that the 2009 Idaho Legislature stripped them of their unalienable right to choose which midwives can help them with a home birth.
The new Midwifery Law is resulting in unintended consequences: eliminating choices from the marketplace and driving up costs for families who are already suffering from too much government meddling with the free market.
State Representative Pete Nielsen is introducing an amendment to the Midwifery Law that would allow:
  • Licensed midwives to have access to the drugs they want. 
  • Unlicensed midwives to practice as they always have - without drugs and without government regulations. 
  • Consumers the freedom to hire anyone they deem qualified to help in their home birth, without the person they've hired being afraid of being arrested.

A large number of emails have been sent to House Health & Welfare Committee Members who will decide if the amendment becomes a bill. Keep the emails going to the House Health and Welfare Committee Members; be sure to include your name and address or they will not even be considered.

Rep. Nielsen is working on the wording of the amendment, which has proven a little more difficult than he originally thought. He is meeting with a midwife today to look it over and get the wording just right. His goal is to have the amendment completed by tomorrow evening.


It's vital that we maintain the full-court press that we've started. The next step is to contact your own legislators. Be sure to INCLUDE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS, so they know you are their constituent:
  • Let them know you'd like them to support the voluntary amendment.
  • Ask them to rally fellow legislators to support Representative Pete Nielsen's voluntary licensure amendment to the Midwifery Law.
You can find out who your three legislators are and contact them by following the links below:

Who Are My Legislators?

How to Contact My Legislators?

A Midwifery Report is available for more information; an easier-to-read version opens when you click print.

For freedom,

Mirelle Stevens, consumer of midwifery

(208) 478-8683

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Idaho Health Freedom Act Passes Contentious Hearing

Despite contentious hearing, panel passes Idaho Health Freedom Act

Partisan Health Care Reform Opt Out Passes Committee

ID House panel clears bill to block health reform

Idaho Health Freedom Act

It now goes for a vote before the full House. If it passes the House it goes to the Senate where it may not get as warm of a reception based on the Senate's track record. If you haven't done so already, now is the time to contact your two Representatives and your Senator and let them know you want them to block the federal government from overstepping its Constitutional bounds.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

An e-mail conversation with Rex Rammell

Rex Rammell is running against Governor Otter in the Republican Primary this spring. I contacted Rex on some recent controversial issues regarding his campaign. In an effort to do as Mr. Rammell suggests in his second response to me here is the e-mail conversation in its entirety.

Please forgive the errors in spelling and grammar these e-mails are copied verbatim.

Mark Balzer wrote,

Mr. Rammell, as a member of the church i wish to tell
you that you have done damage to your campaign and the causes you
support with your recent actions. Opening your meetings to people
outside the church is not going to fix the problem you have
created. You have good ideas that would have been supported by
conservatives state wide. If you had even gotten 10% of the vote
in the primary Governor Otter would have had to pay attention to
your ideas and progress could have been made. As it is now
anything you say will be credited to the rantings of a fanatic. I
am sorry you have decided to take your campaign in this direction
I am forced to look elsewhere for a true conservative candidate.
Sincerely Mark Balzer Co Director Sovereign Idaho Coalition

Rex Rammell

If you can support a drunk and an adulter over a faithful member of the church who has better ideas, then God bless you brother, because you're going to need it. People like you can't see the forest for the trees. The reason I was using Joseph's prophecy is because guys like you listen to know one but the prophets. Your problem is you won't even listen to them. The Constitution is nearly destroyed and I would bet money you have no idea what that even means. No brother, you are the one letting the Lord down, not me. You are not one of the Elders! Just sit on your couch and complain and stay out of my way. I am looking for warriors not bellyaching wimps like you. Rex Rammell

Mark Balzer

Mr. Rammell, I did not say I was going to vote for Butch Otter, only that I could not vote for you, the prophets have said, every election year since I have joined the church that the church is not to be used in any way to support a campaign. They have also said that the "White Horse Prophecy" is not church doctrine. I will pray for you brother but I feel you are treading on dangerous ground over which I will not follow.

Rex Rammell

FYI I never said I was talking about the White Horse Prophecy. That rumor was started by an LDS reporter from Rexburg. He just assumed since the Constitution Prophecy was repeated in the White Horse that I would be speaking about it. The title of my speak was The Battle to Save the Constitution and it was not an LDS doctrine speak. Look up Pres Benson's speak in 1986 The Constitution: A Heavenly Banner page 28 and see Joseph's validated prophecy on the Constitution. Then tell all your friends the truth about me and the rumors.

Mark Balzer

Mr. Rammell the fact remains I do not believe you have any authority to call a meeting of the elders of the church other than those over which you have stewardship, and then only for matters relating to your stewardship. Yes we all have stewardship over the Constitution as citizens of this country, that stewardship is not nor was it ever limited to members of the LDS faith. Changing the invitation after the press heard about the meetings and a national stink was raised does not, as I said originally, fix the problem. The Sovereign Idaho Coalition has as its members a large number of LDS people, as are the various Tea Party groups in the state. That in no way reflects any type of recruitment effort on my or any other individuals part. We were welcomed by the people who originally started the Tea Parties, the Campaign for Liberty, and other groups we affiliate with. Had you reached out to these groups before your hand got caught in the cookie jar you may have been able to garner a large state wide support mechanism. You have attempted to link the church to your campaign or at the very minimum have done nothing to correct the idea that you have linked your campaign to church prophecy. In my opinion these actions have created an negative feeling towards you and the church with many of the conservatives both in and out of the church that I work with in the Sovereign Idaho Coalition and Tea Party efforts state wide. I will do as you ask in your last response but do not expect it to do any good whatsoever.

More as events warrant.

Mark Balzer Co Director Sovereign Idaho Coalition.

This just in

You are a fool! If you would even take the time and learn what I stand for you might understand, but you will not. You have been deceived. I never said I had authority over the Elders. I simply invited some of my friends to a meeting to talk about the prophesy. Is there something wrong with that? Don't write back. I don't have any more time to spend trying to help you understand.

Rex Rammell

I think that says it all.


Wed January 27 2010


I understand you put our private conversation on the internet. That is fine. I have nothing to hide. However, for every vote you persuade against me you help Butch Otter. I wonder is the guy you want to continue as governor. I am the only person in Idaho that can beat him. FYI, I am doing very well all over Idaho. Up North, there is a tremedous amount of support. I could win the race and stop the very people you supposedly are trying to stop. What you are doing is like beating yourself with a base ball bat to make you feel better.

I would like to speak to your group if your group has the courage to listen to me. If you would rather, I will debate you in front of your group if you dare. Only foolish men make judgements based on hear say. If you want the truth, name the place and time. If you want to continue to believe I am the enemy, so be it.

Rex Rammell

Mr. Rammell,

I believe that I said in my first post that "you have good ideas..." You requested that I "Then tell all your friends the truth about me and the rumors." I posted the conversation so that all could get the references you requested them to read if they wished. My only objection is the manner in which you have conducted your campaign any debate we would have would center around that as it is the only area which I voiced any disagreement with you. Since I do not have the stewardship to make judgments for the church that would be fruitless. Politics is perception and there is a huge perception that you have linked your campaign to prophecy and the LDS church. That is the only area that I have cautioned you in. I think that we could agree on many constitutional issues because unlike your suggestion I have not just "sit on your couch and complain" and I am aware of the danger the constitution is in I have a very thorough understanding of the The Constitution sir. Until you publicly distance yourself from your position that the church and prophecy somehow support your campaign I am afraid this will have to be the last communication that we have.
Mark Balzer
Co-Director Sovereign Idaho Coalition.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tom Woods on Nullification at C4L Regional Conference

Thomas E. Woods, Jr., is a Historian with a B.S. in History from Harvard University and both a Masters & PHD degrees from Columbia University. He has been interviewed on every major news channel, hundreds of radio shows, and is the New York Times bestselling author of nine books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History and, most recently, Meltdown: A Free Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked, and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse.

Tom Woods gives a fantastic intro to the historical precedents in US History for States Rights and Nullification.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Open Letter to the Idaho Legislature

We the People of Idaho want you to cut spending, cut bureaucracy, cut red tape, cut taxes, and give freedom, responsibility and prosperity back to the people. We want:
  • State Sovereignty: Support legislative nullification of unconstitutional federal laws.
    • Firearms Freedom: Do not allow them to infringe on our right to keep and bear arms.
    • Sound Money: Stop the Fed from stealing our earnings and savings with their inflation tax.
    • Health Care: Idaho will not participate in any nationalized health-control scheme.
  • Health Care: Support free market reforms that will increase availability and reduce costs.
    • Current Socialized Medicine Mix: Federal and state governments have been mismanaging medical care for more than 45 years and now finance 46% of U.S. health care costs.
    • Health Freedom: We want less government control and more competition among both insurers and health providers. Consumers should be free to purchase health insurance across state lines.
    • Regulation: Fix legislation passed in the last session that is forcing traditional midwives to go under rather than paying to be reeducated and licensed to do what they've always done.
  • Education: Support our future by allowing renovation of the outdated one-size-fits-all model.
    • Accountability: Public schools consume two-thirds of the taxes collected by the state of Idaho.
    • Transparency: They should post their check registers online so the public can audit their pending.
    • Choice: Take control away from bureaucrats and give it back to local parents.
Sovereign Idaho Coalition |

Health Freedom legislation, intended to block a single-payer system and protect patients' rights, is now being filed in 32 states. Sound Currency legislation, which seeks to allow competing currencies and protect the fruit of labor from confiscation by inflation, is being proposed in 8 states. And the Firearms Freedom Act has been enacted, introduced, or will be introduced in 31 states.

Legislation is being introduced to save midwifery freedom in Idaho by amending the 2009 mandatory midwifery licensure law to make it voluntary. By criminalizing the time-honored practice of traditional midwifery (delivering babies without the use of drugs or a license), this law is leaving families with fewer and less affordable maternity care options. See Idaho Midwifery Report.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Well our First Annual Converge on the Capitol was a ringing success. We had about 500 people show up from around the state to meet on the steps of the capitol. We had seven legislators and Chic Heileson speak to us on the issues we came to promote to the legislature.
With our legislative partners we put forth a very concise agenda focusing on three separate issues that if passed will advance individual freedoms and liberty for the citizens of Idaho. Representative Lynn Luker talked about health care freedom and legislation that would keep any Idahoan from having to purchase mandatory health insurance. This bill was voted out of committee by a party line vote of 13-3 this morning, so we have made another small step towards guaranteeing individual liberty in Idaho.
Pete Nielson introduced an amendment to the midwifery bill that would make the licensure of midwives in Idaho voluntary. This also will increase health care freedom for Idaho by increasing the choices available to individuals.
Representative Dick Harwood is carrying a Firearms Freedom act almost identical to the one passed in Montana and Tennessee last year. Representative Harwood told us that the Governor had assured him that if the bill reached his desk he would sign it. At least nineteen other states are also considering similar legislation this year. Once we reach critical mass with this legislation, 25-30 states, we can force the Federal government to return the Interstate commerce clause to its proper place and function.
Phil Hart and Lenore Barrett both spoke on separate bills they are introducing regarding a sound currency alternative for Idaho. Phil Hart and Lenore both had some very good one liners in their speeches. Phil called for an audit of the fed and then it abolition. Lenore reminded us all, in speaking to the Federal government, that the federal government was created by the states and the creation is not greater than the creator.
The sound currency issue is the toughest battle we have ahead of us this year. Many people in the state and indeed the legislature itself do not completely understand the problems with our current monetary system. The important thing is we have people talking about the issue now.
After a break we had two conference rooms in the new wings of the capitol that were full for the entire time we had the rooms. In one Wayne Hoffman held a legislative primer which I think I will try and get him to post the Idaho Freedom Foundation web page. There was a lot of good information put out and the room had a pretty constant 50-60 people in it for the entire session.
Elizabeth Allen Hodge hosted a legislative forum in a conference room in the west wing that was attended by several legislators who were available to answer questions from the citizens that were there. Thank you to both of these great leaders for their efforts in increasing awareness of how the legislature works for the citizens of the state.
We did have a very successful day; however it is not time to rest on our laurels. Now the real work begins and all of you are needed. Now we need to contact our legislators, call, e-mail or mail a letter to your senator and representative. The health care freedom bill is being printed for the house we need to put pressure on our legislators to pass that important legislation.
Keep checking back we will keep you informed when important actions occurs and what steps you need to take as a citizen lobbyist. Please remember that the involved citizens protect their liberty, we owe that to our children and grandchildren.
More as events warrant God bless you all.

Mark Balzer Co-Director Sovereign Idaho Coalition

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Come to our House

Capitol Steps

700 West Jefferson Street, Boise

11 AM, Monday, January 18

The Sovereign Idaho Coalition is inviting the public, the legislature, the governor, and the media to Converge on the Capital at 11 AM on Monday, January 18, for the debut of Firearms Freedom, Sound Currency, and Health Freedom legislation for Idaho.

Numerous other states are making similar proposals. Health Freedom legislation, intended to block a single-payer system and protect patients' rights, is being filed in 29 other states. Sound Currency legislation, which seeks to allow competing currencies and protect the fruit of labor from confiscation by inflation, is being attempted in seven other states. And the Firearms Freedom Act has been enacted, introduced, or will be introduced in 31 states.

Additionally, legislation will be announced that saves midwifery freedom in Idaho by amending the 2009 mandatory midwifery licensure law to make it voluntary. By criminalizing the time-honored practice of traditional midwifery (delivering babies without the use of drugs or a license), this law is leaving families with fewer and less affordable maternity care options. See Idaho Midwifery Report.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Converge on the Capitol - Program Update

We already had an exciting day of activities planned, but it just keeps getting better!

At 1:00 when we head inside the capitol you now have two valuable events to choose from:
  • Room EW05: Legislative Primer - Learn from Wayne Hoffman how the legislature really works. 
  • Room WW17: Legislative Forum - Moderated by Elizabeth Allan Hodge with several legislators.

See the full program here.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Converge on the Capitol

This is a very exciting event with patriots coming from all over Idaho to tell our state government to protect our rights from federal encroachments!

January 18, 2010

The Idaho State Capitol
700 West Jefferson Street in Boise

MC - Mark Balzer Sr.

11:00 Capital Steps - Signs Welcome
  • Pledge of Allegiance - Steve Owen
  • Invocation - Chris Stevens
11:15-12:00 Debut of Legislation
  • Firearms Freedom
  • Sound Currency
  • Health Freedom
12:00-12:30 Media Q&A Session (Good time for lunch)

1:00 Inside - No Signs

Room EW05
  • 1:00 Legislative Primer - Wayne Hoffman
  • 1:45 Saving Midwifery Freedom in Idaho
Room WW17
  • 1:00 Legislative Forum - Elizabeth Allan Hodge
2:00-3:30 Meet Legislators & Deliver Petitions
  • Bring three copies of your petitions for your Senator and two Representatives and keep your originals so you can report your legislators' voting record back to the signers. Mail or fax them if you can't make it to Boise.
3:30 Leave the Capitol

PARKING - the best parking suggestions are within 2 - 3 blocks of the State Capitol.
  • 2 parking garages - 9th & Idaho St and 8th & Main
  • 2 parking lots - 6th & Jefferson and 10th & Jefferson
  • The parking lots would be best if someone has a big van or bus

The Sovereign Idaho Coalition is inviting the public, the legislature, the governor, and the media to Converge on the Capital at 11 AM on Monday, January 18, for the debut of Firearms Freedom, Sound Currency, and Health Freedom legislation for Idaho.

Numerous other states are making similar proposals. Health Freedom legislation, intended to block a single-payer system and protect patients' rights, is being filed in 26 other states. Sound Currency legislation, which seeks to allow competing currencies and protect the fruit of labor from confiscation by inflation, is being attempted in seven other states. And the Firearms Freedom Act has been enacted, introduced, or will be introduced in 31 states.

The Sovereign Idaho Coalition ( was organized in 2009 by numerous freedom-oriented groups from around the state to support the U.S. Constitution by restoring the proper balance of power between the federal and state governments.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sovereign Idaho Coalition Applauds State GOP Resolutions: Firearms Freedom, Sound Currency, and Health Freedom

Contact: Chris Stevens 208-478-8683

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Forward to local radio, TV, newspaper, bloggers and other media.)

Sovereign Idaho Coalition Applauds State GOP Resolutions: Firearms Freedom, Sound Currency, and Health Freedom
Invites Other Parties to Support Legislative Action

BOISE, ID – The Sovereign Idaho Coalition wants Idaho's citizen legislature to nullify unconstitutional federal laws. They are welcoming the support shown at the Idaho Republican Winter State Central Committee Meeting last weekend and hope other parties will also support state sovereignty.

The Idaho legislature certainly believes in states' rights. In 2009 they passed House Joint Memorial 4, claiming sovereignty under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the Constitution.

With concerns about privacy, funding and more, Idaho was one of 25 states that passed resolutions and binding laws in 2007 and 2008 denouncing and refusing to implement the Real ID Act, the implementation of which has been delayed numerous times in response to this massive state resistance, and in practice, is virtually null and void.

“Opposition to the unconstitutional Real ID Act in Idaho from both Republicans and Democrats was nearly unanimous,” said Chris Stevens, co-chair of the Sovereign Idaho Coalition. “I hope they will again work together to stop federal encroachments on the rights of all Idahoans.”

On Saturday, January 9th, the State Republican Central Committee passed:
  • A Resolution Calling for the Exempting From Federal Regulation Under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution of the United States A Firearm, Firearm Accessory, or Ammunition Manufactured and Retained in Idaho,” resolved that any personal firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition that is manufactured commercially or privately in Idaho and that remains within the borders of Idaho is not subject to federal law or federal regulation, including registration, under the authority of congress to regulate interstate commerce.
  • A Resolution Calling for the Establishment and Use of Sound Currency in the State Of Idaho Under the Provisions of Article I, section 10, of the United States Constitution,” resolved that in order to preserve the sovereignty and independence of this state and Idaho citizens, and their rights, powers, privileges, immunities, and prerogatives as a political community, as well as to protect, provide for, and promote the people's safety, health, welfare, security, and economic prosperity, it is imperatively necessary and proper for the legislature to guarantee to and provide for this state a constitutional and economically sound media of exchange by exercising this state's power, privilege, and duty to make "gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts", as reserved to and required of each state under Article I, section 10, of the United States constitution and confirmed by the 10th amendment to the United States constitution.
  • Idaho Health Freedom Resolution,” petitioning the State of Idaho to pass legislation to promote and protect health care freedom for the Citizens of Idaho and urging the State of Idaho to challenge as unconstitutional any national health care plan and any mandatory vaccination program.
Mark Balzer, co-chair of the Sovereign Idaho Coalition, said, "All in all we as defenders of State Sovereignty and individual freedom and rights had a very good weekend at the Republican Central Committee meeting. I have been involved with the resolutions committee for over 10 years and I do not believe any of these resolutions would have passed 5 years ago. We are making progress and cannot afford to relax."

The Sovereign Idaho Coalition is inviting the public, the legislature, the governor, and the media to Converge on the Capital at 11 AM on Monday, January 18, for the debut of Firearms Freedom, Sound Currency, and Health Freedom legislation for Idaho.

Numerous other states are making similar proposals. Health Freedom legislation, intended to block a single-payer system and protect patients' rights, is being filed in 26 other states. Sound Currency legislation, which seeks to allow competing currencies and protect the fruit of labor from confiscation by inflation, is being attempted in seven other states. And the Firearms Freedom Act has been enacted, introduced, or will be introduced in 31 states.

The Sovereign Idaho Coalition ( was organized in 2009 by numerous freedom-oriented groups from around the state to support the U.S. Constitution by restoring the proper balance of power between the federal and state governments.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It was a productive weekend at the Idaho Republican Central Committee Meeting

By Mark Balzer

On Saturday January 9 the Idaho State Republican Party held its Central Committee Meeting in Boise. A lot was accomplished Chris and I spent the morning in the Resolutions committee meeting. We had brought 3 resolutions from Bannock County, a total of 14 resolutions were presented to the committee for consideration, 10 passed the committee and one was presented to the floor of the Central Committee under a minority report and passed at that point.
The resolutions passed by the Resolutions Committee are all items that support individual freedom and the sovereignty of the state of Idaho.
The first resolution passed was titled “CONSCIENCE PROTECTIONS FOR IDAHO HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS” This resolution calls for protection of the religious and conscience rights of Idaho health care professionals to allow them to refuse to perform procedures, prescribe or dispense medicine that is a violation of their personal beliefs.
The second resolution passed, titled “A Resolution Affirming the Sovereignty of the State of Idaho Guaranteed under the 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution” calls for legislation asserting Idaho’s rights and responsibilities as a sovereign state under the Constitution of the United States. Legislation should require the formation of a committee to review federal legislation and the constitutionality of all federal laws. If the committee finds any of these laws to violate the U.S. Constitution they should forward a letter to the Feds and the other 49 states with Idaho’s objections.
Resolution number three calls for correction of language in the Idaho Constitution. Currently the constitution states that Idaho is “The state of Idaho is an inseparable part of the American Union,…” and replace it with “The state of Idaho is a sovereign state, subject only to the Constitution of the United States, providing the freedom necessary for the continuity of the Union, by preserving the right of local self- government”. This is a good correction and if the Idaho legislature agrees then this will be a ballot issue next November.
The “Idaho Health Care Freedom Resolution” calls for the nullification of any nationalized health care system and mandatory vaccination program.
A resolution supporting the independence of Idaho sheriffs as the only elected law enforcement officials in the state titled “Support of Idaho Sheriffs” was passed in reaction to the factions that are and will try to force the county sheriffs to deputize people against the will of the county sheriff.

Another resolution regarding law enforcement was passed calling for the prohibition of indefinite detention in the state of Idaho.

A resolution calling for support of legislation regarding an open and independent audit of the Federal Reserve Bank was passed after heated debate. A similar resolution calling for the abolition of the FED failed in committee.

A resolution calling for a law similar to “Montana’s Fire Arms Freedom Act” which would exempt any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition produced and sold in Idaho from federal regulation under the interstate commerce clause of the Constitution.

A resolution calling for the abolition of kindergarten classes saving the state approximately 63 million dollars and reasserting the right and responsibility of education to the parents in the most formative years of a child’s learning was presented to the committee the morning of the meeting and required a 2/3 vote to be heard, once heard it passed.

A resolution reaffirming the voting rights of Idahoan’s was also presented late and passed the committee. This resolution calls for the legislature to not pass any form of permanent absentee voter registration.

All of the above resolutions passed the central committee without comment and will be forwarded to the Idaho Legislature.

Two resolutions regarding sound currency were presented to the committee. Both failed a committee vote. One failed on a 7-6 vote and qualified for a minority report to the Central Committee. Chris Stevens made the minority report and the resolution passed on a 64-56 vote and will also be forwarded to the state legislature.

All in all we as defenders of State Sovereignty and individual freedom and rights had a very good weekend at the Republican Central Committee meeting. I have been involved with the resolution committee for over 10 years and I do not believe any of these resolutions would have passed 5 years ago. We are making progress and cannot afford to relax.

For home work find out how to contact your legislators and let them know you will be watching their vote on these critical issues. We at Sovereign Idaho along with the Idaho Freedom Foundation and other groups will publish the voting record of the legislature when available so you as citizens will be able to see how you are being represented at the state level.

Come and join us on the 18th for the Converge on the Capitol.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Petition Drive

Ends with local meetings at 5 pm, Saturday, January 16th

Idaho State Sovereignty Petition to Legislators
to nullify unconstitutional federal laws
WHEREAS, the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States reads as follows: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”; and
WHEREAS, in 2009, the House of Representatives and the Senate of the State of Idaho passed House Joint Memorial 4, claiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the Constitution; and
WHEREAS, with concerns about privacy, funding and more, Idaho was one of 25 states over the past 2 years that passed resolutions and binding laws denouncing and refusing to implement the REAL ID Act, the implementation of which has been delayed numerous times in response to this massive state resistance, and in practice, is virtually null and void; and
WHEREAS, a reading of the Constitution through the original understanding of the Founders and Ratifiers makes it quite clear that any national health care plan or national public option is not something that was delegated by the People to the Federal Government in the Constitution; and
WHEREAS, the United States Constitution declares, in Article I, Section 10, “No State shall… make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts”; and
WHEREAS, any firearms made and retained in Idaho are beyond the authority of Congress under its constitutional power to regulate commerce among the states;
THEREFORE: We the People of Idaho urge our legislature:
  • to nullify any future national health care plan,
  • to nullify federal legal tender laws by authorizing payment in gold and silver or electronic transactions backed 100% by gold or silver, and
  • to nullify unconstitutional federal laws and regulations on firearms, accessories, or ammunition manufactured and retained in Idaho.

Politicians are afraid to take a stand lest they offend any constituency. If we expect our state government to courageously stand up to the federal government, it's going to take a sufficient number of constituents demanding it. The purpose of the Idaho State Sovereignty Petition is to encourage legislators and hold them accountable.

How many pages of signatures can you collect from your neighbors? Read about one Campaign for Liberty member's adventure, Petitioning on a Cold Idaho Afternoon, and see how easy it is.

This is our final push to gather petition signatures before we Converge on the Capital and deliver them. We hope you will join us but if you are unable to make it to Boise on the 18th, there are a couple of options for getting your petitions to your legislators. You will need to make three copies and keep your originals so you can report your legislators' voting record back to the signers.
  1. You could mail copies to your Senator and two Representatives by Friday the 15th: 
  2. You could bring copies for your Senator and two Representatives to a local meeting at 5 pm, Saturday the 16th. We would like to encourage everyone to get together with other local patriots to have a brainstorming session and build the teamwork and camaraderie necessary to stay informed and motivated.
Each area only needs one patriot willing to get the organizational ball rolling by posting a local meeting location. Check the comments to see if anyone has posted a location in Your City, ID. If not, consider posting a local meeting location in the comments.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Action Alert!!!

3 Legislators - 3 Stamps - 3 Friends

We the People of Idaho must make sure our citizen legislature serves our interests, not the interests of the federal government.

Print and mail this letter/invitation to your 3 legislators and forward this action alert to at least 3 friends.

The legislature convenes on January 11th. We Converge on the Capital on January 18th!

Let's start this legislative session right and keep this alert going - flooding legislators' mailboxes until we Converge on the Capital.

Almost a dozen Idaho legislators are joining dozens of other states in working on tyranny-defying, sovereignty-strengthening legislation. Who do your representatives work for? Make sure they work for you!