- State Sovereignty: Support legislative nullification of unconstitutional federal laws.
- Firearms Freedom: Do not allow them to infringe on our right to keep and bear arms.
- Sound Money: Stop the Fed from stealing our earnings and savings with their inflation tax.
- Health Care: Idaho will not participate in any nationalized health-control scheme.
- Health Care: Support free market reforms that will increase availability and reduce costs.
- Current Socialized Medicine Mix: Federal and state governments have been mismanaging medical care for more than 45 years and now finance 46% of U.S. health care costs.
- Health Freedom: We want less government control and more competition among both insurers and health providers. Consumers should be free to purchase health insurance across state lines.
- Regulation: Fix legislation passed in the last session that is forcing traditional midwives to go under rather than paying to be reeducated and licensed to do what they've always done.
- Education: Support our future by allowing renovation of the outdated one-size-fits-all model.
- Accountability: Public schools consume two-thirds of the taxes collected by the state of Idaho.
- Transparency: They should post their check registers online so the public can audit their pending.
- Choice: Take control away from bureaucrats and give it back to local parents.
Sovereign Idaho Coalition | http://www.sovereignidaho.com/
Health Freedom legislation, intended to block a single-payer system and protect patients' rights, is now being filed in 32 states. Sound Currency legislation, which seeks to allow competing currencies and protect the fruit of labor from confiscation by inflation, is being proposed in 8 states. And the Firearms Freedom Act has been enacted, introduced, or will be introduced in 31 states.
Legislation is being introduced to save midwifery freedom in Idaho by amending the 2009 mandatory midwifery licensure law to make it voluntary. By criminalizing the time-honored practice of traditional midwifery (delivering babies without the use of drugs or a license), this law is leaving families with fewer and less affordable maternity care options. See Idaho Midwifery Report.
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