Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It was a productive weekend at the Idaho Republican Central Committee Meeting

By Mark Balzer

On Saturday January 9 the Idaho State Republican Party held its Central Committee Meeting in Boise. A lot was accomplished Chris and I spent the morning in the Resolutions committee meeting. We had brought 3 resolutions from Bannock County, a total of 14 resolutions were presented to the committee for consideration, 10 passed the committee and one was presented to the floor of the Central Committee under a minority report and passed at that point.
The resolutions passed by the Resolutions Committee are all items that support individual freedom and the sovereignty of the state of Idaho.
The first resolution passed was titled “CONSCIENCE PROTECTIONS FOR IDAHO HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS” This resolution calls for protection of the religious and conscience rights of Idaho health care professionals to allow them to refuse to perform procedures, prescribe or dispense medicine that is a violation of their personal beliefs.
The second resolution passed, titled “A Resolution Affirming the Sovereignty of the State of Idaho Guaranteed under the 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution” calls for legislation asserting Idaho’s rights and responsibilities as a sovereign state under the Constitution of the United States. Legislation should require the formation of a committee to review federal legislation and the constitutionality of all federal laws. If the committee finds any of these laws to violate the U.S. Constitution they should forward a letter to the Feds and the other 49 states with Idaho’s objections.
Resolution number three calls for correction of language in the Idaho Constitution. Currently the constitution states that Idaho is “The state of Idaho is an inseparable part of the American Union,…” and replace it with “The state of Idaho is a sovereign state, subject only to the Constitution of the United States, providing the freedom necessary for the continuity of the Union, by preserving the right of local self- government”. This is a good correction and if the Idaho legislature agrees then this will be a ballot issue next November.
The “Idaho Health Care Freedom Resolution” calls for the nullification of any nationalized health care system and mandatory vaccination program.
A resolution supporting the independence of Idaho sheriffs as the only elected law enforcement officials in the state titled “Support of Idaho Sheriffs” was passed in reaction to the factions that are and will try to force the county sheriffs to deputize people against the will of the county sheriff.

Another resolution regarding law enforcement was passed calling for the prohibition of indefinite detention in the state of Idaho.

A resolution calling for support of legislation regarding an open and independent audit of the Federal Reserve Bank was passed after heated debate. A similar resolution calling for the abolition of the FED failed in committee.

A resolution calling for a law similar to “Montana’s Fire Arms Freedom Act” which would exempt any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition produced and sold in Idaho from federal regulation under the interstate commerce clause of the Constitution.

A resolution calling for the abolition of kindergarten classes saving the state approximately 63 million dollars and reasserting the right and responsibility of education to the parents in the most formative years of a child’s learning was presented to the committee the morning of the meeting and required a 2/3 vote to be heard, once heard it passed.

A resolution reaffirming the voting rights of Idahoan’s was also presented late and passed the committee. This resolution calls for the legislature to not pass any form of permanent absentee voter registration.

All of the above resolutions passed the central committee without comment and will be forwarded to the Idaho Legislature.

Two resolutions regarding sound currency were presented to the committee. Both failed a committee vote. One failed on a 7-6 vote and qualified for a minority report to the Central Committee. Chris Stevens made the minority report and the resolution passed on a 64-56 vote and will also be forwarded to the state legislature.

All in all we as defenders of State Sovereignty and individual freedom and rights had a very good weekend at the Republican Central Committee meeting. I have been involved with the resolution committee for over 10 years and I do not believe any of these resolutions would have passed 5 years ago. We are making progress and cannot afford to relax.

For home work find out how to contact your legislators and let them know you will be watching their vote on these critical issues. We at Sovereign Idaho along with the Idaho Freedom Foundation and other groups will publish the voting record of the legislature when available so you as citizens will be able to see how you are being represented at the state level.

Come and join us on the 18th for the Converge on the Capitol.

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